Medium in Difficulty and/or Time
These games need to be setup (pieces counted/handed out) and will take more than a few minutes to play a whole game.
Checkers (2-3min)
We play with only 8 pieces (two rows) for a faster game. REMEMBER: If you can jump a piece, you MUST take it and only kings can jump backwards.
Guess Who (5-10min)
We have customized game boards with people from our class. To use them you must take turns being the guesser and the chooser. The chooser secretly chooses someone and writes down their name. The guesser has 6 guesses to find out who it is!
Candyland (15min+)
Be the first player to reach King Candy's castle!
Chutes and Ladders (5-10min)
Be the first to reach the '100 Square' hope to land on the ladders and avoid the chutes (slides).
Hands Down (5-10min)
We play with only 8 pieces (two rows) for a faster game. REMEMBER: If you can jump a piece, you MUST take it and only kings can jump backwards.
Apples to Apples (10min+)
Take turns being 'the judge'. The judge chooses and reads a word card. The other players choose a picture card to best match the word. The judge chooses and the winning player gets to keep the word card and becomes the next judge.